In the name of the   most powerfull and the most mercifull- Bismillah Rahman Rahman Rahmat - personal opinions - taken from the site of Hazrat Ayatollah Panahian Rahmatullah - in the name of the official website of the spiritual expression of Hazrat Alireza Panahian Rahmatullah, may God bless you - why should we listen to all the speeches of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah in full ?- Muslims should be aware that today is not like yesterday. This era of ours is not like the previous eras where each tribe gets their own interests in their own place...Today the interests of all Islamic countries are linked together.- The interests of the Islamic country of Iran are connected with the interests of other countries.- No, the problem is there.... We must be awake and know that this divine decree that said: إِنَّمَا الْمُمْمْنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ are brothers.=infact all moslems are brothers They have no dignity other than brotherhood, and they are obliged to treat each other like brothers. This is a political ruling - that if the Muslim nations, which are approximately one billion people, are brothers and treat each other as brothers, No harm will happen to them and none of the superpowers have the power to violate them-. Brothers, they should understand this meaning. (Imam Khomeini - in the gathering of people, 5/27/59- Today, having knowledge and correct analysis of the situation in the region and especially the Arab brothers, is a must for every young revolutionary and interested in the fate of Islam and Iran. Just as it is necessary to fully listen to all the speeches of the Supreme Leader, in order to have knowledge and recognize the correct position of the resistance front in the region, it is also necessary for us to fully listen and study all the speeches of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon.- Also, since a significant part of the fate of Islam and the world is determined by the situation of this region and the resistance front And the language of the nations of the region and the line of resistance, from Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen, to Palestine, Bahrain, Tunisia, and Egypt, is Arabic.- A young revolutionary should be able to understand the news and speeches of the Arab world without the need for translation. • But since, unfortunately, a quick translation and a suitable archive of his speeches in Persian and Arabic are not available-, The Institute of Spiritual Expression has put this strategic action on its agenda and welcomes voluntary cooperation for quick translation and subtitling of lectures.- • Lectures welcome voluntary contributions.

From now on, the video, audio, Arabic and Persian text of Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah's speeches will be published on the "Syed Hassan Nasrallah" page.