In the name of god,The MostMerciful,TheMost compassionate.It is a personal opionion.The issue of FADAK-We paid more attention to its materialandfinancial part.Which it caused prosperity and finaccial power fir the family of the holy prophet peace and belessings upon him for both mulims and non muslims.But the issue of mangment and ethics has not seen considred in this regard and we did not notice that it is very important.-the jowshardly convert, while ten jows in chare of the garden became muslims after while and that is the goal.tha it is the muslims shouldtake over the Islamic mangment those devils the those demos that they understand politicsand knew they were illiterate against the jows anddidnot want to spend money financially- in these two cases the AHL-ALBAYTof Mesnger ofGod-god bless him and grant him peace were the best theyare the best- little bylittle the people understood and it was possible for them to change their minds