Imam Sadegh (a.s.); he was ahead in several difficult intellectual fields/ written by Hamidreza Shariatmadari- Shafqna - Dr. Hamidreza Shariatmadari, a member of the faculty of the University of Religions andbranchesof Religions, in a note entitled "Imam Sadiq (AS); he was ahead in several difficult fields and branches has mentioned in several sources" on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (a.s.):
"The 25th of Shawwal is a reminder of the great mourning of the long-standing Shiite community in the middle of the second century of the Hijri, which had recently become acquainted with the depth of its religious andbranches of religious knowledge during the reign of its fifth and sixth imams. Before that, what was visibleand over visible was revolutionary passion and pure human emotions; It was the preference of this companion over that companion, or simplyonly empowering the worthypepole. Of course, there were some people who were the chosen saints of God in the work of painting a transcendental face-Shafqna - Dr. Hamidreza Shariatmadari, a member of the faculty of the University of Religions and branches of Religions, in a note entitled "Imam Sadiq (AS); Pishvai has mentioned in several sources" on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Sadiq The uneven path that the Sadiqs (peace be upon them) traveled was far more difficult than the establishment of a society or a state or even a religion: a true reading had come from a true and firm foundation that had not yet been established and did not understand its full content, caught in the storm lmam was confrontedwith a heap of ethnic and tribal prejudices, political power-seeking, Khawarij stonewalling and most of all, spilling the blood of the pure ones of Al-Al-Bayt came down on this congregation. No matter what happened, a group called Shia had been formed, which sometimes had a revolutionary concentration, and sometimes it was mystical and spiritual, and perhaps exaggerated; Sometimesthey only wanted to overthrow a ruler or a dynasty and gain political power, and if he did not get permission from the right leader, they chose a false leader from those assigned to the Prophet or falsely forged a confirmation from the true Imam. The most dangerous thing that happened in the Shia society during this period was to discard each and every exclusive and noble Shia doctrine before its time and before its dimensions and pillars were explained and established. Occult communication, divine verses and installation, heresy, regression, and slipped ogg imam were among the teachings that were directed to its false and illegitimate centers. On the other hand, sometimes the divine Imamate was elevated to the level of prophethood or divinity, and the religious and earthly roles of the Imam were overshadowed by the existence knowldgeesoteric, and developmental roles, as well as the commanding and royal virtues that were not typical for the Prophet.-to be countinued.):