personal opinion- THE MIRACAL of BUTTERFLIES-Take a look at the structure of butterflies-There is also some information about butterflies in Persian-. Make SENSE for understanding the miracle of god-.Let me make a few points about European butterflaies- the butterflies migrate to BRAZIL from the end of Europe  and drink water in a specil spring in BRAZIL and rest on the trunk of a tree-  male and female- moths mate side by side and they mate- not at all butterflies wing muscles never get tired which scientist researching  about that issue- Inproportion to the weight of the butterfly,s to the weight of the largest aircraft in the world- The power of the butterfly,s wing span is one thousand ties most powerful jet engines- The only in time after the advent such an aircraft will be built- It will easy go to the star NEPTUNE-.Butterflies use  the least fuel. They use water and other li quids only when there  -is no nectar.-In sleep it can fly and move in the right direction when is crossing the ocean proper wind help them to reach their destination- the same goes for for the return of course.There two types of butterflies  some are one year old and some are two year years old. Those who are one years old die in BRAZIL after spawning, when the reach that partical spring some die of mal- nutrition and rest of fodder- straw- it is easily eaten by the spring- the reason they come to this spring is because there are some substances- in the spring- that cause fertility that a newborn butterfly is born after  twenty days and twenty days later they are ready to fly which moveto the origin with other butterflies-some baby of butterfly that are wea; lastupto three month and then every thirthy babies move to gether to the origin- and for first time the GERMANY detect and recognized nano- melal element in wing of butterflay which removes the air, the anti –water ,anti- weather  and color change and it creates beautiful color,s that are a kind of camouflage-on the wing of butterfly are two black circles which are called eye all birds see itas real eagles ,s eye and they afraid from that onlybirds that can eat butterfly can hunt butterflay