عرفان عاشورا

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم- این وبلاگ برای شناخت اسلام عزیز فعالیت میکند

وحدت کنید وگرنه فلج میشوید-!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم – نظریات شخصی است- صراط المستقیم- یعنی راه رسیدن به قرب الهی کمی نیست کیفی است -  یعنی بایدکیفیت  رشد معنوبی انسان تحقق پیدا کند به میزانی که رشدمعنوی پیداشد به سمت خداوند منان حرکت کرده است- این مسیرترکیب دو راه است- یکی خلوت کردن درخود برای نایل شدن ورسیدن به خداوندمنان ون خداوند از همه جهت به نفس انسان نزدیک است درحقیقت درنفس انسان است ودوم درعبادتودعا بهسمت اسمانگاه کند  چون عرش در بالا است عظمت اسمان بیشتراز عظمت زمین است پس باید به اسمان نگه رد ودعا کرد باران که اساس نعمت است از بالامیاید وهدایت از بالا می اید جنبه روانی داردوسپس اهدناالصراطالمستقیم-در ایه قبل میفرماید ایاک نستعین همه کمک هارا ازمن بخواهید  بحث مفصلی دارد بطور خلاصه همه موجودات چه مختار وچه مجبور چه بخواهند وچه نخواهند جزو سپاه الهی هستند حتی شیطان- اولین خواست صراطالمسقیم یک صراط است مستقیم معناهای  مختلف دارد که همگی درست است دارد یک معنان ان ازطرف خدوندمنان بصورت مستقیم بیان میشود- شریکی وجود ندارد- وتا قیامت همه مساپل انسان را برای  رشد وقدم زدن دراین صراط شخص خداوندمنان حل وفصل میکند- وباز قبلا الرحمن الرحیم است یعنی خلق شدید که توسط خداوندالرحمن الرحیم هدایت شما برای نایل شدن به مقام قرب با دید رحمت شمارا به ان هدف برساندپس خداوند الرحمن الرحیم ستایش کنید- قران میفرماید غیراز کسانی که صراط مستقیم را هدف خود قراردادند-دوگروه هستند- بعضی از روی هوا وهوس برای انکه فرحون شوند همیشه شادباشند  دین خودساخته درت میکند ومقداری از دین واقعی همیگنجایند وبیشتران به ذق وسیلقع خود  تغیر میدهند که منحرفین هستند- اینها بادین بازی میکند- درقیمت خداوندمنان برایانها اثبات میکند وفکر وعقیدهانها غلط بوده اسن به چه تاریکی ها فررفتند وچه جنایاتی کردن  به جهنم میروند-گروه دوم کسانی هستند- دنبال حق وحقیقت هستند- بعللی  به حکم ناب الهی نمیرسند  بهحکم امام معصوم نمیرسند- از وخودشان دلیل عقلی  درست میکنند وزمانی که انهارا متوجه میکنند حاضر نیستنددست از رای خودبردارند اینها دین شعبه شعبه میکنند وخداوندمنان یفرمیاد زمانی ه شمارا روشن کردن ویادلیل یک شعبه قوی تربود باید همگی به ان ملتزم شوند- رای استادعزیز مرحوم ایت الله عبدالله زبرجد رحمت الله علیه وگرنه فشل میشوید فلج میشوید حرکت نمیتوانید بکنید ودشمانان شما  شمارا ازار واذیت زیادی خواهند کرد- خوب مستقیم از خداوندمنان تا قیامت به جوری میتواندباشدپس مسءله استنباط   راه حل کلی  وهمیشگی نیست مگر انکه این امکان عقلی برای انسان دقیقا بری درک  حکم مهیا باشد جای شک وریب و فرض واحتمال معنا نمیدهد  باید یاصبر کرد حکم از امام علیه بدست بیاید یا حکم الهی کنار میرود وحکم عقلی جای انرا میگید تا حکم الهی پیداشودویا صولا  جزو باب مباح است که عقل میتواند  مسپله راحل کند ولی حکم امام بهتر است- وب اقایان خودرافریب ندهیدکه همه جزامامی ها-اهل بهشت هستند- برفرض یکی ممکن است درست باشد نه همگی- اقایان میگویند که ما از اصحاب نقل میکنیم خوب اصحاب دریک  موضوع- رای های متضاد ومتناقض دادند-چنین چیزی ازطرف خداوندمنان امکان پذیر است- داعش میکشد ومسلمانان هم داعش را میکشند هردو درست است وایا حکم الهی میتواند چنین باشد ایا حکومت ها چنین حکمی میکنند  وانرا باکمال وقاحت به عهده الهی میگذارند وچوب انرا سخت میخورند—تنها راه ممکن وجودامام معصوم علیه السلام است- مغرضین حلیه زدند که امام معصوم وجود نمیتواندباشد مگرشما ازجانب خداوندصحبت میکنید میگویند عقلی نیست مگرشما عقل کل هستید – ومگر شما متوانیداز جناب خداوندمنان صحبت کنید ایا حضرت فاطمه سلام الله علیهامیتوانست ازطف خداوندمنان صحبت کند یانه بله میتوانست کوثر است ومعصوم است به کدام دلیل عقلانی انرامیتوانید رد کنید- خودتانرا گول نزنید کمی تفکر کنید مسءله براحتی حل میشود

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

اقای ماکرون-توجه کنند-!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم نظریات  شخصی است- جناب اقای ماکرون- خوب بود که شما شرق شناسی مدرن را یک نگاه میکردید- که دنیا بخصوص  شرق چگونه بسرعت درحال تغیراست بخصوص چپ انقلابی – وکمی هم دقت میکردید راست افراطی  کشتی ورشکسته ای استکه بسختی سعی میکند که خودرا بساحل نجات برساند دیگر باشمشیر قرون وسطائی  خطابه ای پاپی نمیشود این دنیا را به چنک بیاورید ودوران اخر اقای  دوگل را درنظربیاورید-  یک نگاهی به ادبیات اقای . الکساندردوما  ویکتورهگو- ولتر- امیل زولا- رامطالعه کنید جای عمر خیام-سعدی وحافظ وشکسپیر وبخصوص فردوسی خالی است که شاه نامه شما رابنویسید عقل حکم میکند  ما اول مشکلات داخلی راحل کند کهدارد مزمن یشود وسپ بهخارج بپوندید وگرنه این شانه ضعف شما است شما پله کانی بلندتراز خانم علیزاده پیدانکردید که میخواهیدویسورامین سیاسی راه بیادنزید کمی تعقل کنید  زمان زودمیگذرد

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

حکم کدام برتر است-!!

بسم الله  الرحمن الرحیم-ن یا اب الرحیم-ظریات شخصی است-گربان نور رسیدیم چه خوب—ور بامید بمردیم چه باک- انکه جان در ره امید دهد- نزد عشاق همان عاشق پاک- سازمان ضد بشر وحق  سازمانان ملل متحد جیره خوارمافیای غرب نماینده حقوق بشر ایشان خانمی میفرماید  ایران نباید باقوانین-محلی  حکم کند  بیادیبا هنجار  جهانی حکم کند-توهین به ابالرحیم بیش از این نمیشود که ایشان نمیتواندبه اسرار پشه ای پی ببرد ویاانراخلق د ویاخونی که خورده است پس بگیرد- واز ترس پشه به پشه بند فرار میکند ایا خداوندمنان بیادموی خانم هایجادوئی میکرد ویا برعکس میکرد- کدام درست است- مادرحضرت موسی علیه اسلام ومادر حضرت مسیح علیه السلام ومادر حضرتپیامبر اکرم وحضرت خدیجه وحضرت زهرا  جکعیا سلام اللهعلیها همه باحجاب بودند اگرشما حابرا قبول ندارد پس دین ابراهیمی ندارید- طفل هستید پیامبران برای حجاب شهید شدندوسوختند ومقاومت کردند شایدبشر درس بگیر ودرک کند- قوانین بشر غربی افرادی  دائم الخمر علیل المخ ومغز وعقلکههمسران انها دردل مرگ انهارا میخواهند- برای مافیا جان میدهندکه چندزمانی با مو بلندطلایی غربی ها خوش باشند کمی   مطلاعات مذهبی وعلمی خودتان را زیادکنید  بشر  پس هزاره- فهمیده است  نهنگ استالک بدن اش از  جنس دندان نرم است وحداکثر سرعت بیست وپنچ ونیم  کیلومتر است- انجا که باید زن سالاری باشد مرد سالاری است وانجا که باید مردسالاری باشد زن سالاری است-اقای ازلسنکی  یهودپرست- باموبور های غربی خوش باشد قوم پرستی اورده است اقوامی که بنفح ایشان هستند خوب هستند اقوامی که برخلاف ایشان هستندواز ابرو وصیانت قوم که پامال کردنددفاع کند بعد هستند بحق از نسل ابوسفیا ن هستندما مقاومت میکینم و  احکام  مشعشع الهی ر ما پایداری میکنم تا زعیم نور کامل که نور  خودرا از نور مطلق ه سبحان و قدوس ومومن وسلام ولطیف و الرحم الراحمین است گرفته است که انشالله بزودی  تشریف رما خواهندشد و جهان بیدار میکند وسیاهی برنابخردان خواهند ماند- انشااالله


موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

فرضیهجدید سیاسی-!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم- نظریات شخصی است- این فرضیه که بیان میشد  بعضی  از مافیای دوطرف باهم ترکیب شوندواتئلاف کنند ومدتها استکه درامریکا شرکت ای رقیب باهم هماهنگ کار میکنند ویک اصطلاح دارد-امل گامی شن- عد دمکراسی درامریکا  مال طبقه بالاومافیا هستند- واقای ترامپ میخواست تاحدی اینتصوریر  خدشه دار کند وامتیازاتی به مردم بدهد  ولی بعلت نژادپرستی شکست خوردوتصور نمیشود دراینده هم دمکراسی وضع مطلوبی داشته باشد درافریقا  مذهب بعلت تقلید از غرب بدنبال  بهبود  دادنوضع مردم وارتقا درک بهترا مذهب است وحمانان وملا واشراف سخت مخالف هستند ومتن مذهبی بشدت سلانسور ورقیق میکنند بخصوص درافریقای جنوبی- حتی مذهب زولوویامذهب اکان که م اسم قبیله است وهم اسم مذهب است وباز اسم خدا است دودانشمندغربی  نظریاهانه این است که اسم خدای اسمان است ولی خود افراد  متعدهستداسم خدای زمین ودریا است درافریقا  مذهب مسیحیت میخواهد در بیانمذهبی واعمال مذهبی مثل غرب ازاد باشد  ومانندانها عمل ند وچون درافریقا تحقیقات مذهبی نیست یک متن بسیارخلاصه شده است-که   زیادارزشی نداردوجذب کننده نیست زیرا حاکمان اعتقادی به مذهب ندارند مالی بدهد وهم اجازه بدهد ازمتنهای غربی استفاده شود وگرنه مذهب درافریقا خواهدمرد ولی اخیرا در افریقای جنوبی کمی   فضا باز شده است در افریقاکشورهای که زبان سواحلی دارند وبه عربی هم  اشنایی دارندترکیب مسیحیت واسلام را شروع کردند وتاحدی پیشرفته هستند-ر

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

An intelledtual retreat-!!


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم-An intellectual retreat-By Viktor Malaj


Published in DITA


"True religion is the honest life" - Scottish saying--Recently, the debate was reopened in Kosovo, but also in Albania, whether it should be allowed to wear headscarves by women who work in the state administration, as well as by high school and high school students in Kosovo. As always happens, and rightly so, the parties were divided mainly into two groups, where one asserts the constitutional right of women to wear headscarves as a right to express their religious affiliation, while the other group, which seems to include most of the rulers of Kosovo express themselves against the wearing of headscarves and have even banned it with a by-law normative act as well as governmental decisions. The main arguments of the second group revolve around the claim that "we are like all of Europe", "we want to go to Europe", "in the West such a thing is not allowed", etc., etc. This group of people, sometimes ignorant, sometimes deceitful and sometimes incurable xenomaniacs, never explain what harm can be caused by women wearing headscarves and whether or not it is constitutional to prohibit them from doing so. Personally noI don't like women wearing headscarves and I would like schoolgirls, especially high school ones, not to wear it and have some kind of dignified school "uniform", as it used to be in Albania and as some have today schools in western countries. in western countries.


The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that human belonging, especially today in modern times, is defined more and better by whatin western countries.


The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that human belonging, especially today in modern times, is defined more and better by whatThe rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that a person's belonging, especially today in modern times, is determined more and better by what a person feels spiritually, "grinds" mentally and demonstrates morally in his behavior in the family and society, and not by the fact of what he wears or wears on the head. The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that a person's belonging, especially today in modern times, is determined more and better by what a person feels spiritually, "grinds" mentally and demonstrates morally in his behavior in the family and society, and not by the fact of what he wears or wears on the head. The mania of the Albanian political class, here and there across the border with Kosovo, to look "European" in form and their refusal to behave like "Europeans" in content is screaming. If yesterday's and today's political leaders of both Albanian states had made serious and sincere efforts to behave like Euro-Westerners with each other and with their people, as much as they have made and are making hypocritical and superficial efforts to If it seemed so, the Albanian people and its two states would have things much better than they do.


On the other hand, most Western countries do not prohibit women from wearing the headscarf on the street, at work or at school. What is most important, as the constitutionalist Klodian Rado rightly explained, the wearing of the headscarf by the women of Kosovo is a constitutional right and as such cannot be violated or abrogated by bylaws or laws. And, after all, why should it be stopped?! We who do not ban commercial and amoral nudity in the means of public visual information, who do not ban pornography and the extreme immorality of unethical "artistic" programslike "Big Brother", "Perputhen", etc., etc., do you want us to stop wearing a headscarf?! We, who do not forbid, but, on the contrary, advertise and exalt every day the exposure of the "sinful", lustful and instinctive parts of promiscuous women, wanted to stop the covering of the head by some women who truly believe that they are serving the "Word" of God"?!Which member of our society is more harmful and dangerous, the one who wears a scarf on her head and sees her work without being exposed or "sold" as a VIP, or those women who undress us every day and claim that they "earn" thousands of euros posting nude or semi-nude photos on social networks (actually, anti-social), who go and frolic through the streets of the West or the palaces of the Arab sheikhs of the East and then our means of information-degeneration sell to the new generation as models of "success" ”, so models to be followed in life?! Which member of our society is more harmful and dangerous, the one who wears a scarf on her head and sees her work without being exposed or "sold" as a VIP, or those women who undress us every day and claim that they "earn" thousands of euros posting nude or semi-nude photos on social networks (actually, anti-social), who go and frolic through the streets of the West or the palaces of the Arab sheikhs of the East and then our means of information-degeneration sell to the new generation as models of "success" ”, so models to be followed in life?! In the discussion of the problem of allowing or not wearing the headscarf, I was impressed by the statement of the Albanian publicist from Skopje, Mr. Kim Mehmeti, who claimed that "When I see the distant photos of my mother and sisters, I remember the times when the Slavic-communist circles wanted to take us out of backwardness by removing the headscarf from Albanian women. So I admire our heroines of those times, who "looking"covering" the national and religious identity with a scarf, by "covering" our mother tongue with a scarf, they managed to protect Albanianness in the years when Tito's communists wanted from us Albanians across the border to "produce" a new people, called " Shiptari", with a new language, named "Shiptari" language. And, that's why I feel the lack of a memorial to the Albanian woman with a headscarf, a memorial to my pride, to the women of the times of socialism, to those women who managed to prevent our assimilation, who did not allow us Muslim Albanians to do the same like the Orthodox, to "civilize" by throwing away the Albanian headscarf, so that later we would lose our language, assimilate, we lingeredwe lingeredIf we take the statements of Mr. Mehmeti, it would show us that the headscarf is a symbol of Albanian and Muslim identity and that not wearing it would destroy these two identities (belonging), would assimilate us, shame us, etc., etc. In fact, it is not so. The wearing of headscarves by women dates back to the time of ancient Mesopotamia and is characteristic of most peoples, both East and West, even until the beginning of the 20th century. We look at countless photos belonging to the beginning of the 20th century and the end of the previous century of German, Dutch and other European women with headscarves, we look at the portraits of women with headscarves in the art galleries of Western countries, we also look at the portrait of Van Gogh's mother, etc. etc. So the national affiliation, eastern or- to be continued

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم-An intellectual retreat-By Viktor Malaj


Published in DITA


"True religion is the honest life" - Scottish saying--Recently, the debate was reopened in Kosovo, but also in Albania, whether it should be allowed to wear headscarves by women who work in the state administration, as well as by high school and high school students in Kosovo. As always happens, and rightly so, the parties were divided mainly into two groups, where one asserts the constitutional right of women to wear headscarves as a right to express their religious affiliation, while the other group, which seems to include most of the rulers of Kosovo express themselves against the wearing of headscarves and have even banned it with a by-law normative act as well as governmental decisions. The main arguments of the second group revolve around the claim that "we are like all of Europe", "we want to go to Europe", "in the West such a thing is not allowed", etc., etc. This group of people, sometimes ignorant, sometimes deceitful and sometimes incurable xenomaniacs, never explain what harm can be caused by women wearing headscarves and whether or not it is constitutional to prohibit them from doing so. Personally noI don't like women wearing headscarves and I would like schoolgirls, especially high school ones, not to wear it and have some kind of dignified school "uniform", as it used to be in Albania and as some have today schools in western countries. in western countries.


The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that human belonging, especially today in modern times, is defined more and better by whatin western countries.


The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that human belonging, especially today in modern times, is defined more and better by whatThe rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that a person's belonging, especially today in modern times, is determined more and better by what a person feels spiritually, "grinds" mentally and demonstrates morally in his behavior in the family and society, and not by the fact of what he wears or wears on the head. The rather hypocritical and servile claim that not wearing the headscarf makes us more European is false. Not wearing a headscarf makes us European as much as wearing it makes us religious. The truth is that a person's belonging, especially today in modern times, is determined more and better by what a person feels spiritually, "grinds" mentally and demonstrates morally in his behavior in the family and society, and not by the fact of what he wears or wears on the head. The mania of the Albanian political class, here and there across the border with Kosovo, to look "European" in form and their refusal to behave like "Europeans" in content is screaming. If yesterday's and today's political leaders of both Albanian states had made serious and sincere efforts to behave like Euro-Westerners with each other and with their people, as much as they have made and are making hypocritical and superficial efforts to If it seemed so, the Albanian people and its two states would have things much better than they do.


On the other hand, most Western countries do not prohibit women from wearing the headscarf on the street, at work or at school. What is most important, as the constitutionalist Klodian Rado rightly explained, the wearing of the headscarf by the women of Kosovo is a constitutional right and as such cannot be violated or abrogated by bylaws or laws. And, after all, why should it be stopped?! We who do not ban commercial and amoral nudity in the means of public visual information, who do not ban pornography and the extreme immorality of unethical "artistic" programslike "Big Brother", "Perputhen", etc., etc., do you want us to stop wearing a headscarf?! We, who do not forbid, but, on the contrary, advertise and exalt every day the exposure of the "sinful", lustful and instinctive parts of promiscuous women, wanted to stop the covering of the head by some women who truly believe that they are serving the "Word" of God"?!Which member of our society is more harmful and dangerous, the one who wears a scarf on her head and sees her work without being exposed or "sold" as a VIP, or those women who undress us every day and claim that they "earn" thousands of euros posting nude or semi-nude photos on social networks (actually, anti-social), who go and frolic through the streets of the West or the palaces of the Arab sheikhs of the East and then our means of information-degeneration sell to the new generation as models of "success" ”, so models to be followed in life?! Which member of our society is more harmful and dangerous, the one who wears a scarf on her head and sees her work without being exposed or "sold" as a VIP, or those women who undress us every day and claim that they "earn" thousands of euros posting nude or semi-nude photos on social networks (actually, anti-social), who go and frolic through the streets of the West or the palaces of the Arab sheikhs of the East and then our means of information-degeneration sell to the new generation as models of "success" ”, so models to be followed in life?! In the discussion of the problem of allowing or not wearing the headscarf, I was impressed by the statement of the Albanian publicist from Skopje, Mr. Kim Mehmeti, who claimed that "When I see the distant photos of my mother and sisters, I remember the times when the Slavic-communist circles wanted to take us out of backwardness by removing the headscarf from Albanian women. So I admire our heroines of those times, who "looking"covering" the national and religious identity with a scarf, by "covering" our mother tongue with a scarf, they managed to protect Albanianness in the years when Tito's communists wanted from us Albanians across the border to "produce" a new people, called " Shiptari", with a new language, named "Shiptari" language. And, that's why I feel the lack of a memorial to the Albanian woman with a headscarf, a memorial to my pride, to the women of the times of socialism, to those women who managed to prevent our assimilation, who did not allow us Muslim Albanians to do the same like the Orthodox, to "civilize" by throwing away the Albanian headscarf, so that later we would lose our language, assimilate, we lingeredwe lingeredIf we take the statements of Mr. Mehmeti, it would show us that the headscarf is a symbol of Albanian and Muslim identity and that not wearing it would destroy these two identities (belonging), would assimilate us, shame us, etc., etc. In fact, it is not so. The wearing of headscarves by women dates back to the time of ancient Mesopotamia and is characteristic of most peoples, both East and West, even until the beginning of the 20th century. We look at countless photos belonging to the beginning of the 20th century and the end of the previous century of German, Dutch and other European women with headscarves, we look at the portraits of women with headscarves in the art galleries of Western countries, we also look at the portrait of Van Gogh's mother, etc. etc. So the national affiliation, eastern or- to be continued


موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

انشاالله فائزون-!!

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم- نظریات شخصی است- حضرت ارمان علی وردی رحمت الله علیه-درحقیقت الله علی وردی است خلوص نیت کلمه مبارک علی ایشان را به این درجات رسانده است – ایشان هم اکنون تاج علما برسر دارد ومجتهد است وحکیم است ودرمحضر شهدا وعلما جلوس کرده است وحافظ قران است واحیانا هم نهج البلاغه تا ظهور عظمت یکتا الهی  عجل الله بهحرمت فاطمته الزهراعلیها السلام وصلواتهالله علیها وبحق بعل وابی  وابننی  عجلالله ولیک انشاالله از همه جریانات مطلع است وگاهی اجازهدارد پیام بفرستد ومداوم انرژی مثبت به زمین ارسال میکند- وماهم میبایست انرژ ی مثبت به ایشان ارسال کنیم-لا  سوره توحید بیست وپنج بار وسوره حمد بیست وپنچ بار- سوره کوثر بیست وپنج بار وسوره قدربیست وپنج بار وصلوات بیست وپنچ بار درطول مدت بالاخیارمرحمت کنید ودرزمانی که حدیث کسا میخوانید نام مبارک ایشان هم ببرید- انشا الله فائزون

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

ریاست طلبی-!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم-نظریات شخصی است-بررسی حادثه  سقیفه بنی ساعاده- با الهام از مقاله خانمپریوش معادی خواه بازی- خرید وفروش  ریاست-خزرجیان را شروع کردند واوسیها وارد معرکه شدند کهریاست رابرای خود انتخاب کنند که رقیب خزرجیان بودند- زمانی  حب ریاست  برانسان مستولی شد ایمان بکناری میرود- برادری ودستورات الهی به هیچ گرفته میشود وجنگ قدرت وحیله ها شروع میشود جناب اقای ابوبکر سخنرانی کردند- وحقایق سترک راندیدند اگرقدرت مهاجرین مطرح است ابوسفیان از همه  بهتربود واگر نزدیکی با رسول اکرم صلواته الله علیه واله السلم طایفه ایشان نزدیک برسول اکرمصلواته الله علیه واله والسلم نبوده است ولی علی علیه السلام وقبیله بنی هاشم نزدیکتربوده است واگردرغاربودن ارزشی داشته باشد که نداردحضرت علی علیه السلام درخانهرسول اکرم صلواته الله علیهواله والسلم پرورش یافته است وزمانی که پیامبر اکرم صلواته الله علیه واله والسلممبعوث شدن درکنار ایشان بوده است ودرکعبه متولد شده است که هیچوقت اجازه داده نمیشد که اقایان درانجا متولد شوند- ویادرکنارسول اکرم صلوات الله علیه واله السلم- درزمان بعث  باشند-  جلوتراز اقایان ابن مسعود –عماریاسرو ابوذر و مقدارد- بلال ایمان اورده بودند – وبه مقامات بالایی رسیدندکه اقایان نرسیدند تنها چاپ خانه  امویان برای انها مقام تراشیدند وانصار زودفهمدندسرشان کلاع رفته است  هیچگاه  از امویان وباند امویان دفاع نکردندوقلمروی خود راحفظ کردند وبران حکومت کردند وبه سمت علی علیه السلام متمایل شدنداعراب-  ضرب المثلی داشتندکه هرحرف ناحق باشمشیر پیروز شودوبا شمشیرنابود میشود وهرجرفی که عقلانی باشد سرانجام پیروز است- ادامه دارد



موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

استراتژِی تقیه-!!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم-نظریات شخصی است – استراتژی تقیه- تقیه زمانی ر میدهد- که اکثر جامعه بهسمت تاریکی رهسپاره هستند  وانرا بهترین حالت وروشنایی درک میکنند وخلافانرا  تاریک وجهالت و باطل میدانند  وفتنه بسیار حساب شده وجذاب طرفدار   زیاد دارد  واهل عقل بین دوحد گیر میکنند- حد تاریک وحد روشنایی  ونمیتوانند  درظاهر  بندگی مستقیم الهی را انجام دهند وعدم اجرای بعضی تکالیف بندگی بسیار زجراور است باید ظاهر را مانند انان کرد وباطن را ازانها مخفی کرد   وفقطدرجای امن وخانه میتواند راه الی را  سیر کند ولیدر مساجد باید رعایت ظاهر رابکند خطرمهم است بعضی افرادمومن فریب میخورند- ویا صبرانها تمام میشود ودست به  انقلابات نارس وزودرس میزنندویا  نتوانندبخوبی نقش بازی کنند- بظاهر  امیدی به تغیرات مثبت نیست ممکن است فرد رامایوس  کندحرکت درانزمان مانند حرکت گردباد است که مداوم دریک جهت میچرخد وسپس به سمتی میرود- را بادرنظر گرفتن قوانین تقیه عمل کند مانندپرواز هواپیما از فرودگاه که به دسمت خاصی که میرونند وولی دراول میجرخد  احتمال وتصادمات ودرگیری ها است  که بایدبه کمترین میزان  برسد وجامعه نورانی را بوجود بیاورند  وبه انها امیدبدهند وسعی کنند بندگی دراین حالت را یادبگیرنند وتجربه کنند ودرمشکلات صبور باشند واز  حالت اعتدال خارج نشوندولو تصادمات کمی سخت باشد وبه افرادی که متوجه میشوندکه صاحب درک سلیم هستند انها ا  به صلح وبهسمت نورانیت دعوت کنند وبه انها راه تقیه کردن یاددهند و امیدواری دهند- مهم حفظ روحیه  سالم و مناسب با زمان است مسئال جامعه درروان انعکاس پیدا کند وتجزیه تحلیل دقیق پیداشود وراه برون رفت ازان مشخص شود وتعیلم داده شوداین همان  اتشی است که بایددردست بگیرد مسئله مهم  این است که    نمیتوان از اصول خود واهداف خود ومتن تعلیم خود-که هویت اورامیسازد  بدرستی از ان دفاع کند ومیبایست هویت حکومتی راهم لحاظ کرد که ضربات کمتری خورده شود- این همان باز همان اتشی است که بایدردست بگیرد

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰


In the name of allah-the most merciful the most gloriest------eConclusion
straits. The numbers of memberships are dwindling since the
mid-1980s and hiding behind excuses while not trying to
uncover the real reason for this, which is contributing to the
critical state that these denominations are finding themselves
in. Although numbers are a significant indicator that
something is seriously wrong, there are also other symptoms
that confirm the critical state of these churches. Most
important is the identity crisis that is causing confusion,
supported by the lack of spiritual leadership, the denial of
the concept of the priesthood of all believers and a number of
practical dilemmas. If these churches would consider
changing their identity (from Afrikaans-speaking to
inclusiveness in the diverse contexts of the country), there
could be some hope for survival and even a thriving new
Christian reformation in South Africa.
Unfortunately, similar to the previous revolutions (such as
in the time of Jesus and again during the time of Luther), the
institutional church became lifeless and stagnant. Living,
changing, radical faith no longer resembles a relationship
with the living God. In the light of the history of South
Africa where apartheid actually crossed out the right to
exist for the Afrikaans-speaking churches (Oosthuizen
2018:199), it is high time for the old structures, hierarchy,
customs and dogma to make way for a renewal on the one
hand, and for pacified members to be awakened to a new
reformation on the other hand; something new and different
must be created to carry the salvation in Christ to the broken
world and especially to the violent, crime-ridden, corrupt
doing this
Thinking about faith as a safe and uncontested space. -
Doing the same things and expecting different results. -
Trying to get people to the church. -
Seeking approval from society and/or the government. -
Worrying about the institution and buildings and facilities. -
Look for solutions to African problems in non-African contexts. -
Start doing this
Put God first – always and in everything. -
Take risks – live in faith. -
Keep asking difficult questions. -
Understand that unity in Christ means just that. -
Stay focused on the goal/mission/purpose as seen from God’s side. -
Think and act in a positive way – always. -
Learn from history, learn from mistakes (yours and that of others). -
Remember that faith changes people, not institutions. -
Value the process of transformation, not only the end result. -
Actively create an alternative society. -
Create a holistic understanding of mission, including a social responsibility. -


In the name of allah-the most merciful the most gloriest------eConclusion
straits. The numbers of memberships are dwindling since the
mid-1980s and hiding behind excuses while not trying to
uncover the real reason for this, which is contributing to the
critical state that these denominations are finding themselves
in. Although numbers are a significant indicator that
something is seriously wrong, there are also other symptoms
that confirm the critical state of these churches. Most
important is the identity crisis that is causing confusion,
supported by the lack of spiritual leadership, the denial of
the concept of the priesthood of all believers and a number of
practical dilemmas. If these churches would consider
changing their identity (from Afrikaans-speaking to
inclusiveness in the diverse contexts of the country), there
could be some hope for survival and even a thriving new
Christian reformation in South Africa.
Unfortunately, similar to the previous revolutions (such as
in the time of Jesus and again during the time of Luther), the
institutional church became lifeless and stagnant. Living,
changing, radical faith no longer resembles a relationship
with the living God. In the light of the history of South
Africa where apartheid actually crossed out the right to
exist for the Afrikaans-speaking churches (Oosthuizen
2018:199), it is high time for the old structures, hierarchy,
customs and dogma to make way for a renewal on the one
hand, and for pacified members to be awakened to a new
reformation on the other hand; something new and different
must be created to carry the salvation in Christ to the broken
world and especially to the violent, crime-ridden, corrupt
doing this
Thinking about faith as a safe and uncontested space. -
Doing the same things and expecting different results. -
Trying to get people to the church. -
Seeking approval from society and/or the government. -
Worrying about the institution and buildings and facilities. -
Look for solutions to African problems in non-African contexts. -
Start doing this
Put God first – always and in everything. -
Take risks – live in faith. -
Keep asking difficult questions. -
Understand that unity in Christ means just that. -
Stay focused on the goal/mission/purpose as seen from God’s side. -
Think and act in a positive way – always. -
Learn from history, learn from mistakes (yours and that of others). -
Remember that faith changes people, not institutions. -
Value the process of transformation, not only the end result. -
Actively create an alternative society. -
Create a holistic understanding of mission, including a social responsibility. -


In the name of allah-the most merciful the most gloriest------eConclusion
straits. The numbers of memberships are dwindling since the
mid-1980s and hiding behind excuses while not trying to
uncover the real reason for this, which is contributing to the
critical state that these denominations are finding themselves
in. Although numbers are a significant indicator that
something is seriously wrong, there are also other symptoms
that confirm the critical state of these churches. Most
important is the identity crisis that is causing confusion,
supported by the lack of spiritual leadership, the denial of
the concept of the priesthood of all believers and a number of
practical dilemmas. If these churches would consider
changing their identity (from Afrikaans-speaking to
inclusiveness in the diverse contexts of the country), there
could be some hope for survival and even a thriving new
Christian reformation in South Africa.
Unfortunately, similar to the previous revolutions (such as
in the time of Jesus and again during the time of Luther), the
institutional church became lifeless and stagnant. Living,
changing, radical faith no longer resembles a relationship
with the living God. In the light of the history of South
Africa where apartheid actually crossed out the right to
exist for the Afrikaans-speaking churches (Oosthuizen
2018:199), it is high time for the old structures, hierarchy,
customs and dogma to make way for a renewal on the one
hand, and for pacified members to be awakened to a new
reformation on the other hand; something new and different
must be created to carry the salvation in Christ to the broken
world and especially to the violent, crime-ridden, corrupt
doing this
Thinking about faith as a safe and uncontested space. -
Doing the same things and expecting different results. -
Trying to get people to the church. -
Seeking approval from society and/or the government. -
Worrying about the institution and buildings and facilities. -
Look for solutions to African problems in non-African contexts. -
Start doing this
Put God first – always and in everything. -
Take risks – live in faith. -
Keep asking difficult questions. -
Understand that unity in Christ means just that. -
Stay focused on the goal/mission/purpose as seen from God’s side. -
Think and act in a positive way – always. -
Learn from history, learn from mistakes (yours and that of others). -
Remember that faith changes people, not institutions. -
Value the process of transformation, not only the end result. -
Actively create an alternative society. -
Create a holistic understanding of mission, including a social responsibility. -



موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰

اقای جان بولتن-توجه کنید-!!

 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم- نظریات شخصی است- اقای جان بولوتن خوب میدانید که دست دزدان دریایی سابق  از پشت یستید- تمان از راه چپاول وغارت کشورها وجلوگیری ازپیشرفت انان شما به اینجایگاه رسیدید شما  حتی  دزساختن  فلا سک ای چایی هم عقب هستید  ایا المان بایددراین حد باشد انهاراچپاول میکنید شما والمان یونان چپاول کردید  یونان بیادچندبرابر سویس باشد-کره جنوبی نمیتواندیکموشک کوتاه برد بسازد همه میخواهید نوکر خود نید حتی اروگای غربی را  بعداز مدتی نوبت اروپای شرقی هم میرسد- شاه دربانک سویس   هفت حساب دراز مدت داشت هرکدام یک میلیادردلاروشش حساب کوتاه مدت داشت هرکدان یک میلیارددلار اگرنمیدانستید پس کودن واحمق هستید واگر میدانستید پس جنایتکار هتید ما دینارابیدارخواهیم کرد شما پس از مرگ زنده میشوید ولیاقت شمشیر زدن گردن شما توسط یاران امام الزمان علیه السلام مفتخر میشوید

موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰